It is a pleasure to greet you and receive you on my channel, today I bring you an introductory presentation about Social Media, you will know the concept, its difference with Social Networks and Social Media Management, in case you want to become a professional in this line of research . 




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Without further ado let's start:


They are the platforms on which people and communities interact and socialize, in order to share ideas, news and particular interests.

Difference with Social Networks

Actually, there is no difference, but social networks are within Social Media, here I show you a practical difference, as studied previously.

Social Media (includes social networks, blogs, forums, bookmarks, geolocation, etc.)

Social Networks (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, etc., are part of Social Media)

That said, we will present its components.


These are the most important components to keep in mind for your social media strategy.

• Social networks - Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google+. Interactive platforms where communities come together to share common interests.

• Blogs - WordPress, Blogger, Typepad. Publication of articles created on topics of interest to your community and potential customers.

• Geolocation, Foursquare, Facebook Places, Google+. Its special feature allows a business to be found on mobile devices.

• Bookmarks, Delicious, Pearltrees, StumbleUpon. It allows to index or mark the content so that it is found by people who are searching.

• Multimedia - iTunes, Livestream, YouTube, Vimeo, Spreaker. It includes all the tools that allow you to share multimedia content in video and audio.

Social Media Marketing

It is a series of tools that when put into action open different communication channels in the digital world.

It means building a business through many different mediums, such as viral videos and blogs, in order to give a business exposure.

It works with various tools, including audio, video, text, audio pods, and private forums, public discussion forums, SMS, chat, emails, as well as blogs, etc.

Social Media Management

It is the professional in the field of online marketing who is responsible for preparing and planning the strategy of a brand or company in social media, which will later be executed by the Community Administrator.

Duties of the Social Media Manager:

Possibly in any entity dedicated to marketing or entities that have an advertising area, we have to develop these functions.

• Plan and prepare the social media strategy of the brand or company, providing it with content and professional approach.

• Define the objectives that the company intends to achieve with its social media actions in the most precise way possible.

• Monitor actions in this area, checking whether the planned objectives are being met and whether the return on investment is correct.

• Analyze the evolution of the main competitors.

• Know the situation within the market and the needs of customers.

• Analyze and interpret data from external and internal sources, especially those that come from the Community Administrator.

• Prepare a contingency plan in the event of an online reputation crisis and, if it occurs, actively collaborate in its resolution.

With the interaction in the networks it is possible to establish a language standard for the business, addressing the issues in an informal or more formal way.

This communication is a way for the business to present itself to your audience by showing you how you would like to establish the conversation with potential customers and consumers.

Competencies of the Social Media Manager

A good profile for this position should have:

• A person with a thorough knowledge of social media and its various resources and tools.

• Among your main skills should be strategic vision and analytical skills.

• Your knowledge of social media and its marketing and advertising capabilities must be excellent.

• Good communication skills are expected to be able to agree on the strategy with clients and work with the Community Administrator.

• Must be a great connoisseur of the sector of the company for which he works.

• With a high capacity to work under pressure, you must be able to adapt to changes and make decisions in a short space of time.

Well this has been an introductory presentation to this world of social media, soon we will bring you more interesting content, subscribe to receive notifications, greetings.

